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Helping children from disadvantaged backgrounds succeed at school

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If you are a foster parent or carer for a child who has had a hard start to life, you might be worried about how they will do at school. Luckily there are some relatively easy things you can do to help increase your child’s success at preschool.  Create a language rich environment One of the issues that children from poorer backgrounds face is that they hear less language overall, leading to a poorer understanding of language structures and a lower vocabulary.…

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What Are the Different Benefits of Home Day Care Centers?

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If you are a working parent, you will need to figure out who will watch your children during the day. Unless you have family or friends who can watch them, you will need to decide between a traditional daycare center or a home-based one. Here are some benefits of choosing a home daycare center.  There is more attention paid to each child A great benefit to choosing a home daycare center ahead of a traditional daycare center is that the child to caregiver ratio is lower.…

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3 Games To Make Early Literacy Learning Fun

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Young children often find learning their letters rather dull and boring.  However, making learning into a fun game can really help kids to engage with the process and consequently to learn more quickly.  Here are three games you might want to try with your child. Lucky dip letters For this game you’ll need brightly coloured, plastic letters and a cloth bag. First of all, choose a simple word that your child will know, for example their name.…

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