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What Are the Different Benefits of Home Day Care Centers?

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If you are a working parent, you will need to figure out who will watch your children during the day. Unless you have family or friends who can watch them, you will need to decide between a traditional daycare center or a home-based one. Here are some benefits of choosing a home daycare center. 

There is more attention paid to each child

A great benefit to choosing a home daycare center ahead of a traditional daycare center is that the child to caregiver ratio is lower. You will have more attention paid to your child because there are fewer children in the home compared to the number of daycare teachers or caregivers. There may only be two or three children to each caregiver, which means each child gets better supervision and more attention paid to them during the day. This is often preferred when safety is a big consideration.

The home environment can be more comfortable

If your child is already nervous about leaving your home and going to daycare, a corporate daycare center with hundreds of children might not be the best option. Some children simply do better in a home-like environment. Whether the home daycare center is at a home your child knows, or you are meeting these people for the first time, they might feel more comfortable there. It is a good idea to bring your child to different daycare centers and look for signs that they feel out of place or more comfortable in one area. Home daycare centers often feel more homey, making it easier for them to come out of their shell and make friends.

There may be a more versatile group of kids

Another great benefit to home daycare centers is that the group of kids is often more versatile. This may mean a wider range of age groups, which allows you to keep your child at the daycare center for longer. Your child may arrive when they are preschool age, then continue remaining in the same daycare even through school-age years when they just go after school and before you get off work. This prevents them from having to switch to an after-school program and remain in the daycare where they feel most comfortable.

Caregivers tend to be more flexible

You will also notice some more flexibility with schedules when you go to a home childcare center. The caregiver is often willing to have your children in their home after hours if you are running late, or keep them during the weekend if you can't find a sitter. While they are not going to be open 24 hours a day, they do tend to be more flexible without charging high fees for picking up your child late.
