How to Be an Involved Parent as Your Child Enters Primary School
As your child starts primary school, it's the start of a new era for you as a parent. While it can be a change not seeing them as often, you can still work on ways to stay connected with them as they enter this stage of their life.
Here are some ways that you can continue to support your relationship with your child, as well as supporting the school.
Primary schools rely on parents to volunteer on everything from helping with reading circles, providing supervision on excursions, helping to run the school canteen and sitting on school boards. Let the school P&C committee and your classroom teacher know of your skills and interests, and keep your eye out for suitable opportunities to help the school. You'll find that once people know you are willing to help out, there will be many opportunities over the year.
By demonstrating your commitment to their school, as well as the civic value of volunteering you help your child to see how much you value their progress at school.
Form a Good Relationship with Your Child's Teacher
Organise a meeting with your child's classroom teacher early in the year and let them know the best way to communicate any issues with you. For working parents who don't often see their child a school end it can sometimes be easier for the teacher to send emails, whereas some parents prefer face to face communication and phone calls to discuss any issues with your child. Many teachers run positive reinforcement programs for behaviour, so having a great relationships with the teacher can help you not only hear about what the children have learned but also some of the good things they have been observed doing at school.
Remember What Your Children Tell You about the School Day
While many parents complain about the sparse details they get from their children at the end of the day, parents often don't hold up their end of the conversational bargain. Remember what they have told you previously and don't downplay the details of their play. Children still learn richly through play in primary school, and are busy processing many social dynamics during playtime. You can help them to process the social aspects of their school in these conversations and help them clarify any concerns to communicate back to the teacher or their friends.
By being an involved parent, you can help set your children up for a lifetime of enjoying their learning. For more information, contact Catholic Education Services.